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Red Calico Short Fin

Red Calico Short Fin

Regular price $10.00 USD
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The Red Calico Short Fin Pleco (also known as Ancistrus sp.) is a captivating freshwater fish that belongs to the Loricariidae family of South American suckermouth catfishes. Let’s dive into some details about this unique species:

  1. Appearance:

    • The Red Calico Short Fin Pleco showcases a stunning pattern of black, white, red, and orange spots, making it instantly recognizable.
    • These plecos typically reach a length of up to 4 inches.
    • Their temperament is generally calm, which makes them ideal for aquarists seeking peaceful community fish.
  2. Behavior and Care:

    • They are relatively undemanding regarding water parameters.
    • Provide plenty of hiding spots in the aquarium for them to explore.
    • They enjoy grazing on algae and other organic matter.
    • Due to their small size, they make great tankmates for other fish species.
    • Regular feeding and proper care can allow them to live up to 10 years.
  3. Unique Features:

    • The Red Calico Short Fin Pleco has a distinct white coloration with red eyes.
    • They are equipped with hair-like bristles on their snout, which gives them their name.
    • Their facial areas become adorned with lots of appendages as they mature.
    • Their fins are longer than average plecos, contributing to their unique appearance.

In summary, the Red Calico Short Fin Pleco is a delightful addition to any aquarium, adding character and color to your aquatic environment!

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